Welcome to Week 9: Visual Intensive Learning

   Everybody likes to take notes especially if we want to work on an assignment or task. The notes will help us arrange our plans. What if the notes became visual? Definitely the task will be much easier to grasp and control. We are all visual learners and putting our thoughts into a visual framework is a great method to carry out our work successfully.


  Mind mapping is one of the most effective ways of transferring abstract mental concepts into a visual diagram. Pictorial recording of one’s ideas is not new. It started with the Greeks but it became a full concept in our present time.  You are invited to explore our group’s assignment that highlights the great potentials of Mind mapping. You can leave your comments or ideas right here on the course page. If there are any technical problems with the activity in Cacoo, please check the trouble shooting  link in the WIKI and  feel free to ask any questions. We will be sure to get back to you promptly.

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After watching the youtube clip head over to our WIKI


Have fun with Mind mapping!  

Posted in: Week 09: Visual-Intensive Learning